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Well, a lot of those goods are up for sale this weekend for a good cause. The United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County will again host the Dickinson College U-Turn sale from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sa…
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After the purchase, Weiner did significant work to upgrade the home’s infrastructure, adding high-efficiency heating and a ductless air conditioning system for zoned control. He also installed a tankl…
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air conditioning, heating, building automation, electrical and control systems in both new and existing buildings. Customers include building owners in the private, not-for-profit and public/governmen…
Delp, 29, of 1115 Roosevelt St., New Castle, Pa., and Annamarie D. Sackett … Daniel Lukanec et al v. Servi Temp Heating and Cooling Inc. et al, order of magistrate. Arley Edgell v. Robert A. Lucente …